FTR 2022-2023


09.00 - 09.50 : " Serebral Palside Fonksiyonel Değerlendirme " Dr. Nuride Osmanlı

10.00 - 10.20 : " The safety and efficacy of umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells in individuals with spastic cerebral palsy: a randomized double‑blind sham‑controlled clinical trial " Dr. İmran Kalkan

10.30 - 10.50 : " Efficacy and safety of abobotulinumtoxinA for upper limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: a randomized repeat-treatment study " Dr. Berat Asım Polat



09.00 - 09.50 : " Hemipleji Rehabilitasyonu " Dr. Berat Asım Polat

10.00 - 10.20 : " Elastic Dynamic Sling on Subluxation of Hemiplegic Shoulder in Patients with Subacute Stroke: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial" Dr. Janbubi Jandaulyet

10.30 - 10.50 : " Ultrasound-Guided BoNT-A (Botulinum Toxin A) Injection Into the Subscapularis for Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain:  A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial " Dr. Nurahsen Zaben



09:00-10:00 ‘’Terapötik Fiziksel Modaliteler’’ Dr.Burcu Yeşilbursalı

10:00-10:30 ‘’ Eficacy and safety of focused low‐intensity pulsed ultrasound versus pulsed shortwave diathermy on knee osteoarthritis: a randomized comparative trial’’ Dr. Canan Kurt

10:30-11:00 ‘’ Efcacy and safety of focused low‐intensity pulsed ultrasound versus pulsed shortwave diathermy on knee osteoarthritis: a randomized comparative trial‘’  Dr. Yusuf Oğuzhan Yürük



09:00-10:00 ‘’Kalça ve Sakroiliak Eklem Muayenesi’’ Dr. Betül Aydın

10:00-10:30 ‘’ Clinical effectiveness of one ultrasound guided intra-articular corticosteroid and local anaesthetic injection in addition to advice and education for hip osteoarthritis (HIT trial): single blind, parallel group, three arm, randomised controlled trial’’ Dr.Nuride Osmanlı

10:30-11:00 ‘’ The Efficiency of Manual Therapy and Sacroiliac and Lumbar Exercises in Patients with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Syndrome’’ Dr.Burcu Yeşilbursalı



9:00 -10:00 „ Polinöropatiler“ - Dr. Merve Demirci

10:00-10:30 „ Effectiveness of Acupuncture Treatment on Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Pilot, Randomized, Assessor-Blinded,        Controlled    Trial“ - Dr. Yasin Okumuş

10:30-11:00 “ The Efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial” -Dr. Burak Yıldız



09:00 -10:00 „ Total Diz Protezi’’- Dr.İmran Kalkan

10:00-10:30 ‘’ Targeting rehabilitation to improve outcomes after total knee arthroplasty in patients at risk of poor outcomes: randomised controlled trial’’ -Dr.Merve Demirci

10:30-11:00 “ Effect of Prehabilitation Before Total Knee Replacement for Knee Osteoarthritis on Functional Outcomes A Randomized Clinical Trial’’-Dr.Berat Asım Polat



09.00 - 09:30 : " Denosumab Can Prevent Collapse in Patients with Early-Stage Steroid-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head by Inhibiting Osteoclasts and Autophagy  "  Dr. Janbubi Jandaulyet

09:45 - 10.15 : "Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Femoral Head Articular Cartilage Change in Patients with Hip Osteonecrosis Treated with Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy ''  Dr. Nurahsen Zaben 

10:30 -11:00 : "The comparison effects of intra-articular injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Plasma Rich in Growth Factor (PRGF), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), and ozone in knee osteoarthritis; a one year randomized clinical trial ''   Dr. Betül Aydın 



09.00 - 10.00 : ''Manuel Terapi'' - Dr. Ertan Yılmaz

10.00 - 11.00 : Makale Saati

''Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment vs Sham Treatment on Activity Limitations in Patients With Nonspecific Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain'' - Dr. Canan Kurt

''Spinal High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation in Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain'' - Dr. Merve Yüksel



09.30-10.30: ''Osteoartrittte Tanı ve Tedavi'' - Dr. Selim Eryılmaz

10.30-11.30: Makale Saati

''Effect of Diet and Exercise on Knee Pain in Patients With Osteoarthritis and Overweight or Obesity'' - Dr. Yusuf Oğuzhan Yürük

''Effect of High-Intensity Strength Training on Knee Pain and Knee Joint Compressive Forces Among Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis''- Dr. Şaika Kahvecioğlu



09.00-10.00:  ''Bel Muayenesi'' - Dr. Fatma Betül Akdağ

10.00-12.00: Makale Saati

''Efficacy of Therapeutic Aquatic Exercise vs Physical Therapy Modalities for Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain'' - Dr. Nazlı Höbek

''Effect of Spinal Cord Burst Stimulation vs Placebo Stimulation on Disability in Patients With Chronic Radicular Pain After Lumbar Spine Surgery'' - Dr. Selim Eryılmaz



09.00-10.00: ‘Diz Muayenesi’ - Dr.Oğuzhan Kasımoğlu

10.00-12.00: Makale Saati

‘’Rehabilitation during early postoperative period following total knee arthroplasty using single‑joint hybrid assistive limb as new therapy device: a randomized, controlled clinical pilot study’’ - Dr. İftixar Manahov

‘’Comparing hip and knee focused exercises versus hip and knee focused exercises with the use of blood flow restriction training in adults with patellofemoral pain’’ - Dr. Faruk Kargıoğlu



09.00-10.00: ‘Üst Ekstremite Tuzak Nöropatileri’ - Dr. Zeynep Melis Kurt

10.00-12.00: Makale Saati

''Effect of Perineural Dextrose Injection on Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow: A Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Study'' - Dr. Burcu Yeşilbursalı

''Effect of Perineural Dextrose Injection on Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow: A Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Study'' - Dr.Mikdat Karabıyık



09:00 - 10:00: "Spinal Kord Yaralanması ve Değerlendirilmesi"  Dr. Yusuf Oğuzhan Yürük

10:00 - 11:00: Makale Saati

"Preventive Treatment with Alendronate of Loss of Bone Mineral Density in Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial" - Dr. Reihaneh Houshyar

"Cerebral Theta-Burst Stimulation Combined with Physiotherapy in Patients with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial" - Dr. Sevim Şensoy



09:00 - 10:00: " Serebral Palside Kalça Problemleri "   Doç. Dr. Ahmet Hamdi AKGÜLLE

10:00 - 11:00: " Alt Ekstremite Ortezleri "  Dr. Burcu YEŞİLBURSALI

11:00 - 11:30:  Makale Saati

"Preventive Treatment with Alendronate of Loss of Bone Mineral Density in Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial" - Dr. Reihaneh Houshyar

"Cerebral Theta-Burst Stimulation Combined with Physiotherapy in Patients with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial" - Dr. Sevim Şensoy



09:00-10:00 "Spina Bifida"  - Dr. Merve Yüksel

10:00-11:00  Makale Saati

"Preventive Treatment with Alendronate of Loss of Bone Mineral Density in Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial" - Dr. Reihaneh Houshyar

"Cerebral Theta-Burst Stimulation Combined with Physiotherapy in Patients with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial" - Dr. Sevim Şensoy



09:00 - 12:00 : "Pulmoner Rehabilitasyon"  Doç. Dr. Özge KENİŞ COŞKUN

Bu sayfa Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation tarafından en son 18.01.2025 14:28:52 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.